16 Dpo Spotten En Krampen. The spotting often of a pink color and is very light. My doctor said its common and probably just implantation bleeding. Communities Fertility and Trying to Conceive 16 dpo pinking brown spotting. À dpo 6 jai eu pas mal de spotting brun foncé.
Meestal helder rood met bruinroze aan het begin enof eind van je menstruatie. Krampen kunnen langer aanhouden en intens zijn. It is more so tiny clots as appose to actual bleeding. Ive been really good about not getting hung up on symptoms or every minor movement my abdomen makes. Im ttc first child. Spotting en toch zwanger.
12-16 dagen na je eisprong.
My AF is like clockwork and i am rarely late. OK Ive been experiencing symptoms I have never felt before for the last two weeks tingling sunburn feeling breasts extreme hunger pangs a little nausea. Reading this page had a calming effect over me cause I had an hcg test ran on my 16dpo and then on the 18dpo. 16 dpo BFN and no AF. 16 DPO period cramps but no period. Fusce ex ligula tristique quis finibus sed placerat sed libero.